Sunday, March 2, 2014

Post 22: The day after. What part of the website did you look at or show to a friend recently?

You finished the course.

It's time for another Thought for the Day.   Are you ready to start creating your own journal and making your own blog and keeping track of your readings?

Are you ready to take on responsibilty for putting in front of your eyes a meaningful quote to guide you in the day ahead?

Are you a changed brain?  Do you apple the new procedures that you followed while on the boats?

Post a quote below in the comments and add your commentary and a link to your blog ...  tell us where you are blogging and where you are thinking about new ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Here are two of my blogs where I put my "Thoughts for the Day." at my favorite school in Florida City, Florida which is my educator blog, where I can capture quotes from what I've been told by mentors and where I drop quotes from my readings.
